Green Project Implementation Awards

Funding of up to $10,000 for materials and supplies to execute a student-led sustainability project with measurable outcomes on UH campus or in the community. Individual UH students or group of students (single campus or multi-campus) are eligible to apply.


  • Innovation and creativity.
  • Measurable impacts.
  • Visibility and replicability.
  • Quality of work, plan, and application.
  • Impact on furthering sustainability efforts.
  • Clearly articulate how you will measure and verify project performance. You will be required to report out on the project at the following Spring Sustainability Summit (i.e. 2016 awardees will report out in 2017).


  • UH graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Individuals or teams can apply. Teams must designate one main contact for the duration of the project.
  • We encourage partnerships with staff and faculty members.
  • Include a detailed project budget and work plan.
  • Administrators/facilities and operations must approve all project proposals from students in their schools.
  • Projects that map to UH Presidents's Executive Sustainability Policy will receive priority consideration.
  • Student efforts that explore Local Food issues will receive priority consideration.


  • Sustainability Curriculum Council will review all applications and make final decisions as to awardees.
  • Awards are anounced at Spring Sustainability Summit (March 16-18, 2017) for implementation over the 2017 Summer Break and Fall Semester.
  • Projects more then one academic year must include a plan for continuity..
  • Funds must be utilized by December 15, 2017.
  • Projects must be completed by January 15, 2018.
  • Awardees will work with Office of Sustainability on project implementation, execution and reporting.


  • Most travel costs are ineligible for reinbursement, such as travel to or from conferences or travel/housing fees for speakers. In certain circumstances travel may be an approved expense, for example: travel to neighbor island campus, etc.
  • Funds cannot be usexd to buy gift cards.
  • Funds cannot be used to pay for aspects of the project beyond the pilot, including business startup costs, etc.
  • Final budgets are approved by UHOS as part of the application process. OFS reserves the right to revise the proposed budget to fit within the scope of allowable expenses.
  • Costs outside the scope of your approved budget need to be reviewed by OFS as this may impact your project funding.